The Big Move

Three ways to be a Dream Enabler – 
Your support brings hope to our shelter animals and turns their new home dreams into reality.

Stay Connected to SAA's Moving Journey 
We're all moving together!

We've been preparing for this big move for a few years now, searching high and low for a suitable place to establish a permanent home for our animals. While securing a permanent home has been a challenge, especially one that can accommodate our entire family, we're thrilled to announce that this year, we've found an available land. We're currently working hard to secure government approval to build our new shelter on this land.

Tell your friends // Share
Share #littlepawsBigdreams on social media and spread the word about SAA's mission to build a new home. We believe that with unwavering faith, we'll gather the support needed to bring us closer to achieving our goals.

Donate to the new shelter fund // Subscribe
Contribute to SAA's new shelter fund and help us build a strong foundation for our new journey.
Your donation doesn't just help us build a new home; it nurtures a community of love and care in our neighborhood, ensuring all our furry companions have a safe and loving environment to grow in.


**The monthly pledge program will conclude upon the completion of our new shelter. According to the donation record, SAA will acknowledge the donation above HKD500 on the LED Screen in the new shelter to express our gratitude. For donation above HKD10,000, the acknowledgement of donation can be shown on the designated facilities.